Ra regrets having to inform you that there will not be a WNBF Competition organised in NZ this year. Ra's message:
My goal for organising a WNBF competiton in NZ was to provide NZ athletes with a fully tested show. The intention was never to make money by running the competition but the show did need to break even. The cost of drug testing equated to having to pass a minimum cost of $200 to competitors ($99 registration, $100 toward testing). In today's economic climate I could not see this as a viable option therefore have decided not to commit to organising a WNBF show in New Zealand.
My recommendation to those athletes interested in competing for the WNBF is to do so in Australia. Remember we are taking a team across to the Gold Coast in May to compete at the ANB and WNBF competitions. If you're interested contact either myself or Ali.
Train hard, be strong and eat clean
Ra Paku
3 April 09
My goal for organising a WNBF competiton in NZ was to provide NZ athletes with a fully tested show. The intention was never to make money by running the competition but the show did need to break even. The cost of drug testing equated to having to pass a minimum cost of $200 to competitors ($99 registration, $100 toward testing). In today's economic climate I could not see this as a viable option therefore have decided not to commit to organising a WNBF show in New Zealand.
My recommendation to those athletes interested in competing for the WNBF is to do so in Australia. Remember we are taking a team across to the Gold Coast in May to compete at the ANB and WNBF competitions. If you're interested contact either myself or Ali.
Train hard, be strong and eat clean
Ra Paku
3 April 09