There are 4 main bodybuilding federations in New Zealand and sometimes its a minefield to decide which one to compete in.  So to help you decifer what classes are available in various organisations, we've done an overview for you to narrow your decision.

If you're a novice, the first decision is to compete and set yourself a date goal then choose the organisation which has the closest date to your goal.  If you don't quite reach it, they'll also be another show.  Don't get stressed out by which one. Decide after you've competed that you actually like bodybuilding competition and all its challenges, then perhaps choose the path of which organisation you like.

All organisations offer the bodybuilding classes so in the end it just comes to your preference or which one your friends is doing.  In the end, its about having a goal and living a healthy lifestyle, and bodybuilding competition is just an element!



 14-Stacy-bingeeat.jpg Reason No.4. 
It can be just a 'glorified eating disorder'

Binge eating, calorie restriction, body weight fluctuations, starving, limiting food groups, taking dieting supplements….

These are all words that are associated and frequently happen with competition prep, dieting for shows and on/off season.

Take bodybuilding out of the equation and these same words would be used to describe an eating disorder.



Reason No.1…..You develop a warped sense of what’s ‘normal’

This picture taken back in 2012 stands out in my head for me, I posted it on my competing page and I remember writing the caption ‘Abs are disappearing after the America trip, loving my off season though!’


Now that the Nationals are over and the competition season is drawing to a close, many athletes are left in the same position- reviewing their year's performance and comtemplating 'what's next?'. 
Lisa with Sarah enjoying
a treat meal
It's that time of year when some of us may experience post-competition blues and after being so focused during the competitive season, the off season can seem like unchartered territiory- an seemingly endless expanse of time, a new world filled with foods that are no longer off-limit and next years goals seem miles away. It's a time during which many athletes experience what I call 'the backswing'. No explanantion needed here! 


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