The NZFBB North Island Champs are on next Saturday 27 June in Masterton. We found out from Terry Hills (who was up MCing the Akl Champs), contest organiser, that they'll be around 40 athletes commpeting. One of the athletes competing will be the President himself, Brian McFarlane, who will be doing the Masters 40 class. Mike Debenham who guest posed at the Akl Champs will be continuing his posing tour and will also guest pose at Masterton. He is also presenting a seminar. Busy man. |

2009 WaiWeight NZFBB North Island Bodybuilding Champs
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Masterton Town Hall, Perry Street, Masterton, Wairarapa
Following the successful events in 2007 and 2008, the WaiWeight NZFBB North Island Champs will once again be held in Masterton this year.
Also, as per last year, please note that the start times for each session (11.30am for pre-judging and 5pm for finals) differ from the regular 10am and 6pm times at most shows. This is to allow both competitors and spectators from surrounding areas like Wellington, Hutt Valley, Manawatu, Wanganui etc more time to travel to and from the event. It also allow those who are staying in Masterton to have more time to prepare before pre-judging, less waiting time between sessions, and an early finish to the night show.
A special attraction at the night show will be the appearance of past NZFBB Mr NZ Overall Champion and now IFBB Professsional bodybuilder - Mike Debenham! Mike is preparing for his Professional stage debut in the USA in August and be will be appearing on stage in Masterton as our guest poser. Not only will you be amazed by Mike's physique, but his reputation as one of the best movers on stage will ensure everyone will be well and truly entertained!
Important Details
Registration ($25): Two options:
1) Friday, June 26 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
WaiWeight Private Gym, 35 Bentley Street, Masterton.
2) Saturday, June 27 - 9:15am to 10:15am
Masterton Town Hall, Perry Street, Masterton.
Special Note:
· You must have your music CD with you at registration. Unless you are competing in the Fitness or Mixed Pairs categories (maximum of 90 seconds), your music track must be no more than 60 seconds long. Any track longer than the required limit will be faded out when the maximum time period is reached.
· All weight class competitors are required to be weighed in at the Registration/Weigh In.
· All competitors will have their costumes checked, so please attend the Registration wearing your costume.
· Figure, Classic Men, Body Fitness and Fitness competitors are required to have their height checked.
· Athletes competing in Restricted Age divisions (i.e. Teenage, Junior, Masters, Senior) must present proof of ID e.g. Drivers Licence, Birth Certificate, Passport.
Contestant Briefing:
Saturday, June 27 - 10:30am
Masterton Town Hall, Perry Street, Masterton
Saturday, June 27 - 11:30am start
Saturday, June 27 - 5pm start
Tickets: *
Pre-judging: $15 (or $7.50 for Children under 12 years of age)
Finals: $25 (or $12.50 for Children under 12 years of age)
Pre-judging & Finals: $35 (or $17.50 for Children under 12 years of age)
VIP (Final only) $45 or $40 each for purchases of 5 or more tickets.
* Tickets available from all Ticketek outlets from early May. Note that service fees may apply.
VIP ticket: Finals session only. This entitles the holder to a seat in the front 5 or 6 rows and entry to the supper in the Frank Cody Lounge during the interval. Complimentary drinks and food will be available at the supper.
· Teenage Men (Under 18) (i.e. 18 or younger on Dec 31, 2009)
· Junior Men (Under 21) (i.e. 21 or younger on Dec 31, 2009)
· Junior Women (Under 21) (i.e. 21 or younger on Dec 31, 2009)
· Masters Men - 40+ and 50+ (i.e. at least 40 (or 50) on Dec 31, 2009)
· Masters Women - 35+ and 45+ (i.e. at least 35 (or 45) on Dec 31, 2009)
· Senior Figure - 35+ and 45+ (i.e. at least 35 (or 45) on Dec 31, 2009)
· Novice Figure - Short and Tall
· Open Figure - Short and Tall
· Novice Women's Physique - Under 55kg and Over 55kg
· Open Women's Physique - Under 55kg and Over 55kg
· IFBB Body Fitness - Short and Tall
· Women's Fitness
· Classic Men (one class)
· Novice Men - Under 70kg, 70-80kg, Over 80kg
· Open Men - Under 70kg, 70-80kg, 80-90kg, Over 90kg
· Overall Champion - Men, Figure, Women's Physique
· Mixed Pairs
· Team
· Best Posing Awards (Male and Female)
Our official accommodation venue for judges, officials and competitors at this event is:
Chanel Court Motel - 14 Herbert Street, Masterton. Ph: (06)378 2877
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Website:
Other recommended accommodation options in Masterton are:
· Discovery Motor Lodge - 210 Chapel Street, Masterton. Ph (0800)188 515 or (06)378 7745. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Website:
· The Highwayman Motel - 46 High Street, Masterton. Ph (0508)444 492 or (06)377 4144. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Website:
· BK's Chardonnay Motor Lodge - 274 High Street, Masterton. Ph (0800)222 880 or (06)377 7485. Website:
· Tulloch Lodge - 290 High Street, Masterton. Ph (06)377 5100. Website:
For more accommodation options in Masterton, visit
Function Venue:
Join the judges, officials and competitors after both the Friday night registration and the event on Saturday at Aberdeen Steakhouse and Bar, 109 Chapel Street, Masterton. (06)378 6069.
For further information about the 2009 WaiWeight NZFBB North Island Bodybuilding champs, please contact the event organiser, Terry Hills on (0274)303654 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it