Interview with Overall Fig
Champ Vicky Cattell
New Video!
Check out Daniel Hibbs'
glute shredded posing routine
New Video!
Chat with Super Teen
Steve Orton and his Mum.  


The NZFBB South Island Champs was my 4th comp in a row and I'm glad I went down to Christchurch for it as the best of South Island's women were out, but not too sure where the men got to!!  We could've called this show 'The Girlie Show' as 70% were women.

Was great to catch up with all the familiar names and faces, and their new improved bodies. It all started in the Senior Physique 45+ class when Debe Stewart (what a bod @ 51!) was up against the super lean physique of Blenheim's Lise Burnett, close call but Debe took the class and the Overall Title too. Judy Duggan transferred from figure to physique at this comp and she looked pretty sharp too so was a good move by her.

Lisa Weir and Lisa Menzies
Lisa W makes it 3rd week in a row on Go Figure 
Honorable mention is made to Nola Tonks who was also in this class. Despite her recurring illness, she managed to get on stage where she was happiest.

All the figure classes was of a high standard. In the Senior Fig 35+ saw the return of Linda Harrington (who won Nationals 05 and has since had 2 children, with one just 9 months old) winning her class. Vicky Cattell of Nelson was the outstanding figure in the Senior Fig 45+ class with her mass and detail.  Was also impressed with the lady who placed 2nd in this class, she's 56 and still has a great body. She was Ms NZ in 1973.
Show organisers
Mike Debenham and Gretchen McFadden
The Novice Figure Short was a large class that was won by another Nelson resident, Karen Kessell who's been working hard on her delts in the past year. Sheryl Paterson, last year's National Overall Figure Champ, looks like she's grown a little bit everywhere and shaping up to defend her title this year after winning the Open Figure Short.

Ofcourse out of the guys that were there we'll mention the Super Teen Steve Orton who looked sharper this week to took out the Jnr and the Overall Title. We did video interview with Steve and his Mum so we'll bring you his story soon.  Congrats to all the novice men who competed as they all lost over 15kg each to compete in this show.  Also must mention Gary Hannifin ( 2nd Masters Men) who told me he's competed in at least 1 show each year for 12 years!  he's now 62 and I'm sure he has many years left on stage yet.
The Glutinator Daniel Hibbs
More pics of his guest posing

Overall Mike Debenham, contest organiser and guest poser, delegated his responsibilities well to a good crew. He paid attention to the finer details such as supplying some party food and drinks at the night show in pump up room which the athletes appreciated.  Everything pretty much ran on time, although bit disappointed we didn't get out to watch the second half of the rugby Mike!

Daniel Hibbs did a fantastic guest posing routine with the help from his daughter and 2 sons who are just little cuties.  Daniel looked sharp and contest ready so I wonder if he's competing soon as surely he didn't diet just for his guest posing spot. Oh and Terry Hills also did a great MC job as usual.

Great to be back in the South and I hope to see some of you southern muscles up at Nationals to give the North Island athletes a run for their money.

Enjoy the pics!
Lisa, Go Figure
14 September 09


Overall Winners
 Debe Stewart, Phys  Steve Orton, Men  Vicky Cattell, Fig  

Daniel Hibbs    


The Women

Senior Physique 45+    
1st, 2nd, 3rd


Open and Novice Physique o55kg
Judy, 1st Open o55kg


Senior Figure 35+    


3rd, 1st, 2nd 

Senior Figure 45+ 
2nd, 1st, 3rd

Novice Figure Short    

Novice Figure Tall 

Karen Kessell, 1st Nov Short   Hannah, 1st Nov Tall  Sheryl Patterson, 1st Open Short
Open Figure Short
 1st, 2nd, 3rd    

Overall Figure Comparisons  
Overall Physique
 Short 1st. Tall 1st, 2nd    

Masters Men  Novice Men Novice Men
2nd, 1st
2nd, 1st
2nd, 1st

Classic Men 
Jnr Men
1st, 2nd
1st, 2nd
Open Men    
2 classes
 Overall Comparisons    
Steve Orton, 1st

Happy Snaps!
They could be sisters!             Lisa and Mike              Awe Steve and his Mum
Vicky and Debe. 

Rangiora Team                       Still Buffed                          Invercargill Team
                                             Richard and Annette           

Greymouth Team                   Gretchen with her baking which will disappear soon

                              Nelson Team                              Robyn Crotty's Huge Team

Debe and Lise phys 45     Terrible 2s Mike and Brian   Mike's Team

Steve and fellow Jnr          Linda Harrington looking       Timaru Team
                                      great just 9mths after baby!

Overall Winners with officials     Sen Phys 45                Karen with Lisa Weir

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