Results: Jacqui placed 17th
Winners were: Jenny Lynn 1st, Krissy Chin 2nd, Meriza DeGuzman 3rd

Jacqui's Pics from the Dexter Jackson Classic, 31 July

Results: Jessica Putnam 1st, Erin Stern 2nd, Jenny Lynn 3rd
Jacqui placed 18 equal among the field of 24. 


          2nd, 1st, 3rd
      Erin, Jessica, Jenny

Jacqui Jarrett's 2nd Pro Figure Season
Jacqui's posing and training
vid above

By day, Jacqui Jarrett works in the hectic corporate world as a business analyst. By night (and early mornings) she squeezes in her training to compete in her second season on the U.S Figure circuit.

In this update we find out how Jacqui, our first figure Pro, has refined her training to fit in with the judging criteria and her goals for the contest year.  

Click left pic to watch Jacqui's interview, training and posing.
Jacqui is aiming for the:
- Dexter Jackson Classic, Jacksonville Florida. 31 July, 1st Aug.
- Europa Supershow, Dallas Texas. 14 Aug.
- Houston Pro Figure Show, Texas. 29 Aug. 

This will be your second assault on the Pro shows, do you think you'll more prepared this time round? Definitely.  Last year was a huge learning experience for me, I really didn't know what to expect.  

In what way?  Last year I had 1st hand experience of some things you don't do, but more importantly I picked up on a lot of things to do, to improve as a pro figure competitor.  

Driving left hand drive cars was ‘exciting' for the first 5-10 mins!    The shows are fantastic, they are organized and promoted at very high standard being professionally run.  There is often a NPC (equivalent to our regional championship shows) show run in-conjunction with the pro class/es. 

At NPC level, figure is divided into 5 different classes, each class will have at least 20 competitors , that's 100 competitors in figure alone!  And some of these are run over 1 day.  The majority of competitors are traveling, just not from the southern hemisphere!  So there is always several tanning booths, hairdressers & make-up artists on site, at the host hotels for the show, offering there services.  These  need to be booked prior to the show, sometimes weeks in advance to secure an appointment - I've already made several bookings for August.

Any dramas that come up when you're traveling and competing by yourself?

Some company would be great, especially when your nutritionist changes your diet on the spot, the night before the show,  & you're due at your 1st tanning appointment in ¾ of an hour, with a photo shoot following that & then the competitors press conference following that, leaving no time to find a shop with the food you require.   


Did you get much feedback from judges or other athletes about your look at your last comps? 
Yes, I did ask for feedback, so I can understand what the judges are wanting to see and then plan my development with this in mind.   

Any helpful hints?  
Yes, lots.  Figure as we know it in NZ is very different to even the NPC level in the US. Here we are a lot leaner & harder, more like bodybuilding, compared to the immaculately presented lean feminine figure in the states.


What areas have you been working on?
Reducing muscle mass and trying to build a curvy bum!!

And what did you do to improve them? I've been focusing on glutes & hamstrings, while avoiding quads where ever possible. 

Have you made dramatic changes to your diet and/or training for your next competitions?
I've included quite a bit of running, RPM classes & ply metrics training & very very light weight training, which has actually been quite a refreshing change. 

What look are you going for your figure this time? 
I was working with one of the top nutritionist for Figure competitors in the states last year, who did help me to achieve a new level of conditioning, but working from photos and then the travelling & stress this actually worked against me,  as I was way to lean and hard.  

He had me eating burgers & ice cream 36 hours out from the show, and continued this over following weeks, which again didn't really help me.  One of those lessons learnt!!!   
Weight wise, have you gained or lost weight/mass? 
I'm feeling very good with preparation this time, thanks to Alison Rainbow of RNC,  I  have lost a little mass, grown a few wee curves..

Do you think you'll be as nervous this time round? 
Of course I'll be nervous, but not quiet so stressed hopefully.

How are you going to cope with it and do you any mental cues you go through in your head when you step on stage?
Mental cues - SMILE! 


What are your fellow pro competitors like? Are they friendly, some rivalry or uber professional?

Some are very friendly, some aren't.  But one thing I did notice is there is not the helpfulness like we see here at an amateur show, because helping someone else could result in them beating you, and we're all there to win.


The girls get very glammed up, are you making some changes in this part of your glamourisation process?!! 
Yes, changing my make-up & hairdresser.  Another live & learn experience.  

What kind of expectations/goals are you putting on yourself for the comps? 
To improve on my last results - a top 10 would fantastic
To enjoy the experience & meet some great people & learn as much as possible
To already be planning my next show before arriving home again.

9 July 09

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