Its hard to believe that when looking at buffed Edgar Vaivai (27) that he could ever be a heavyweight weighing 140kg at 5'9". But sick of being heavy Edgar decided 4 years ago he needed to make a change so he took up bodybuilding and he hasn't looked back.

He first competed at the 2003 and placed 2nd at PIBBA and NZFBB Nationals. Interestingly Edgar has bypassed competing in the Novice class " I've never done novice because why compete when you can compete against the best in the Open Class" a confident Edgar says. In 2005 he won the PIBBA Open u90kg class and won the title again recently at PIBBA 06. Edgar says he'll do CNI and finish off the year with the Nationals.

In the offseason Edgar weighs around 110kg eating anything and everything but over the past 10 weeks he's been dieting and with the advice of his new trainer Moe Mossawi, Edgar is looking sharp. "Last year my diet wasn't good. I felt dead flat but this year I've got more up and go as I'm eating alot more" Edgar said. "I haven't had any low days dieting and everyday's like christmas to me this year!"Also important to his contest preparation is his girlfriend Kate who prepares all his meals "its about teamwork" Edgar says.

Training: Edgar trains at the Genetics Gym in Manukau and tries to train heavy up to the contest. 3 sets of 15 reps, 4 different exercises
Mon: Chest and Biceps
Tues: Back and Triceps
Wed: Shoulders and traps
Thurs: Quads + calves
Fri: Hamstring + glutes
Sat and Sun: Rest
Abs: Trains them everyday 3 sets of 50 reps + 1000 crunches before bed
Cardio: Edgar says he does no cardio!!

What makes Edgar's diet challenging is not the diet but his occupation. He works at Eve's pantry as a cake designer/maker so he's
constantly surrounded by sweet treats and temptations. "I always get teased by my workmates eating in front of me" Edgar says.
"But you got to be tough because bodybuilding is a mind game. You have to choose which is healthier and what's going to get you
to your goal. Chicken and broccoli or cake. I choose chicken"

Pre Contest Diet 10 weeks out
Edgar would eat every 3 hours. Plus he would have Protein shake every 1.5hrs between meals
Breakfast: 12 egg whites + baked potato
Meal 2: 350gm steak + kumera
Meal 3: 300gm chicken breast + broccoli
Meal 4: 300gm salmon + mixed vegetables
Meal 5: 200gm tuna + salad
Before bed: Zforce + Tribulus

Supplements: Before Breakfast and before afternoon training
Amino acids, Pitbull Fatburners, L-Carnitine, HMB and Dymatize Xpand

To Edgar, bodybuilding is still a hobby "ofcourse if I had a million dollars to devote my time to train like the Pros" he said. "I've also admired physiques like
Darrem Charles and ofcourse my sponsor Moe" .

In the meantime Edgar says he's always wanted a bigger lower body and will be concentrating on improving those areas towards the Nationals.

We wish him all the best for a great year!!



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