Measuring Bodyfat %

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I get alot of email from athletes saying what should my bodyfat be? alot of people are obsessed about their weight and their bodyfat loss percentage to the point they measure it every other day.

The problem with worshipping a body fat measurement is that it can set unrealistic expectations. I think relying or checking the scales every 5 minute would make you even more stressed and the more weight you'll hold.

Since every athlete is composed differently there is no set bodyfat a person should be onstage (well I don't think so anyway) as people will look differently at different bodyfat levels. Most athletes when they compete aim for 9-10% for men, 12% for women as a general rule. Ofcourse how you measure bodyfat is also big influence on what the calculation of the bodyfat will be. I prefer the visual test by photos or seeing my clients in person to see what progress/changes have been made.

The 3 main ways to measure bodyfat are:
Home Body Fat Scales
Skinfold Calipers (Callipers)
Hydrostatic Weighing (which is the most accureate)
Each of these body fat calculation methods has
advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the Hydrostatic Weighing Tanks
This method is the most accurate but also the most uncomfortable. You sit on a scale in a large tank of water and blow all the air out of your lungs, then submerge yourself in the water completely. You stay underwater for 5 seconds, while your underwater weight is recorded.

You have to make sure no air is trapped in your lungs, otherwise the test will be inaccurate and your results will make you appear fatter.

How does hydrostatic weighing calculate body fat? By using Archimedes Principle. Your examiner first calculates your body density by measuring the amount of water you displace when you immerse yourself in water. Then a formula is used to calculate body fat based on your body density.
The problem is finding a facility (University, major gym or fitness center) which has a
hydrostatic weighing tank!!



The ab shot on right is 14%, although she looks leaner than that and the figure on left is at 9%.
However, a caliper measure may show both these
figures are closer to 10% or below.

14% bodyfat

Most of us would not have access to a hydrostatic weighing machine so we rely on other ways of measurement to keep track of of our progress.

Skinfold Measurements
This method involves a skinfold caliper to pinch predetermined sites on the body. The common sites include: bicep, tricep, subscapula, supra iliac, abs. Usually sites on thighs aren't measured which usually skew the calculation to read less fat than the person may actually be.

It is recommended that this test is carried out by a professional and should be repeated to verify measurements. To make the test reliable you should not exercise beforehand. Exercise makes your blood travel to your skin to help you cool down and this causes the skin to swell, making your test inaccurate.

Using Home Body Fat Scales to Measure Body Fat
Body fat scales claim to measure body fat quickly and conveniently. These body fat scales use the Bioelectrical Impedance method to measure your body fat percentage. A low-level electrical current is passed through your body and the "impedance", or opposition to the flow of current, is measured. The result is used in conjunction with your weight and other factors to determine your body fat percentage.

Unfortunately, your body's "impedance level" can be altered by many factors besides body fat. For instance, the amount of water in your body, your skin temperature and recent physical activity can all adversely affect the results. So only by following strict rules can you hope to get an accurate measurement of your body fat using these scales.

The most important rules to observe in order to make a more accurate calculation of your body fat are:
Don't eat or drink for 4 hours before the body fat measurement test.
Don't exercise for 12 hours before the test.
Notes:Some studies have shown variances as high as 8 percent when using the bioelectrical impedance method even if the rules are precisely followed.

As with skinfold calipers there are different equations used to calculate body fat from your body density. These are usually pre-programmed into the machine. The best body fat scales tend to made by Tanita.

Body fat is, like the scale, another way to gauge progress. If you are curious and want to track your progress, use a combination of measurements. Sure, body fat is a valid one to use because you do want that measurement to go down. But don't place too much emphasis on its being the exact, correct measurement.

Instead, use body fat, along with the tape measure and your scale weight, and regular picture taking to track weekly or fortnightly trends. Don't worry about trying to figure out what you will weigh at a particular level of body fat, because every person is different. It is hard to predict just how much lean mass you will gain or lose.

Lean mass is not only muscle -- it includes most of the nonfat substances in your body. Even fat itself contains water, so when you lose a significant amount of fat, you lose a significant amount of water. This will register as a loss of lean mass, but that does not mean you lost muscle!

Finally, keep a good diary and record all your training and eating as this will also give you an idea where to 'tweak' your plans if your weight loss is happening too quickly or not quickly enough.

Oh the joys of bodybuilding!! and we love it.
Go Figure PT



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