Fibre and fat loss

Although fiber isn't a nutrient, it plays an important role in the digestive process not only in the role it plays in decreasing the risk of bowel cancer but also it's role in fat loss.

Dietary fiber is the hard cover found in fruits, vegetables and grains that resists digestion
by human enzymes. Fibre is important in your nutrition plan because high fiber foods are
lower in calories, satisfies the appetite, requires more chewing and takes longer to digest. Other foods are nearly all digested and absorbed as they pass through the small intestine but fiber enters the large intestine almost all intact.

Fiber is found in two forms; soluble (unrefined oat products, dried beans, peas, lentils, apples and citrus fruit) and insoluble (vegetables and whole grains). Water soluble fiber absorbs fluid as it moves through the digestive system and studies show that it aids in the reduction of serum cholesterol.

Soluble fiber is able to bind acids and prevent their absorption by the body. This causes the body to convert some cholesterol into bile acids, which are necessary for fat digestion, thus reducing levels of cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

Insoluble fiber passes through the body faster. This may reduce the time cancer causing substances remain in the digestive tract. This faster passage however may decrease the
body’s absorption of vitamins and minerals as well as the action of digestive
enzymes and the secretion of hormones.

Fiber. A Competitors' best friend
If you've competed in a bodybuilding/figure competition then you'll know all about the importance of fibrous vegetables in your contest nutrition regime. And you've probably sworn off vegetables for life! But to those who are contemplating a competition we should outline the importance of vegetables in their contest preparation.

Dietary fiber has the property of holding water and it swells and behaves like a sponge as
it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. It adds bulk to the diet which promotes the
feeling of fullness. Foods high in fibre will fill you up more easily and this will probably help you to avoid eating excessive amounts of food.
Make sure that you have plenty of fluid with your meals to make the fibre
nice and soft. Increasing the amount of fibre in your diet might, at first, cause an increase in abdominal bloating and wind. After a while, this becomes less of a problem.

Which Vegetables?

During your pre-contest mode your goal is to decrease calories which is generally achieved by decreasing your carbohydrate and fat intake. While you will still get your fiber from your complex carbohydrate such as rice and oats, you'll rely more on a higher intake of fibrous vegetables to help you feel full.

These include: broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, celery, green beans. Make sure you have plenty of these vegetables in the fridge if you are hit by those late night hunger pangs. However, due to their higher energy content it is best to avoid corn and peas as part of your dinner plate. While fruits also contain fiber, it is best to decrease the amount of fruit you eat during pre contest as these will add calories to your diet.
Fibre for Fat Loss

In a nutshell, excuse the pun, fiber in the form of fruit and vegetables plays an important role in your fat loss regime as it helps you feel fuller for longer.

Not only do they contain essential vitamins and minerals to help you maintain a healthy and fit body, fibrous vegetables has also the added benefit of increasing bulk in your diet. During pre contest period make sure you have plenty of vegetables on hand as it will help you looking for the 'bad' things to snack all - which could mean the difference between a good body and a great one!



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