Christmas party diet tips

07 certainly has whizzed by and I hope all your goals for this year came true. If not, there's always 08!! 8 is my lucky number so I hope some of my ambitions will come true. But more about my New Year's missions in another update.

But first lets get 07 out of the way. Some of you are going to see it off with a few christmas and new year's parties. Some of you may have already overindulged and wishing your pressie from Santa is a gift voucher for liposuction. What's done is done but if you haven't got quite to that 'I feel fat' stage yet, here's some ideas on how to prevent that phrase passing your lips....and all the naught fatty stuff as all!! 

Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
from Lisa and Trixie! 

* Firstly, you don't gain as much weight during the holidays as you think you do. New research shows most of us only gain a kg or 2 during the holidays. The real key is that the more you focus on healthy eating year-round, the less important holiday weight gain becomes and the more you can just enjoy those holiday foods.

Sample Image  * Wear tight pants/skirt.  This is the first tip I'd give you because if your pants/skirt/ dress already feel a little snug then its a sure remind for you not to overdo it!!!

 * Take the edge off your appetite by eating low-calorie foods. There's usually an array of food options at holiday parties. Pick a low-calorie food and take the edge off your appetite with that. Try fresh vegetables and low-calorie dips like salsa and hummus. It should keep you from overeating.

* Instead of making every drink an alcoholic one, alternate between alcohol and diet drink/mineral water. Alcohol is a very concentrated source of calories, and when we're drinking, we tend to eat more because we're thinking less about our diet and more about having a good time. So, alternate between alcohol and soft drinks.

* Don't fast before a big holiday meal or party. It slows down your metabolism, and when you finally sit down to dinner, you will be more prone to overindulge. So have your usual snacks at morning and afternoon tea whether it be protein shake (yes you still need to have it!) yogurt, an apple early in the day before you head out to the party.

Sample Image  * Decide how you want to indulge and then indulge selectively. Then sample everything only once. But first, case the table -- scope out all the different food options: the cheese, the dips/pates, the Christmas chocolates, the fruitcake. Then choose one or two you want to indulge in. That way, you'll feel like you've had the
best of the holiday foods. 

* Work out the day of the party or big meal. Dieting is as much about calories you burn as it is about calories you take in. If you don't have time to go to the gym, go for a long walk before or after the meal. Or, if it's a party, dance!

Christmas day is to be enjoyed so don't get obsessed with counting calories. Eat wisely and enjoy your treats in moderation, you have the holidays to work it off!!!

Have a great Christmas everybody!!!

Sample Image  Caution: Chocolate can Kill Dogs!!!!!!!

Please don't feed your dogs chocolate this christmas as just 240gm of chocolate can kill a dog the size of a german shepherd!!  A human would need to eat 50kg at one sitting. But we don't recommend that.

Think Trixie will just get a big tasty ham bone this Christmas.




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