How to stay motivated and achieve goals?

Since there are probably a few of you out there considering to start a new exercise regime or even to compete in a bodybuilding competition, I thought I would go surfing and find out some handy hints for everyone to keep on target.  As I'm also in the 'Training and Challenge' mode its always good to get other peoples thoughts about motivation and this is a great one I found from Hugo Rivera. So if you're feeling yourself straying or perhaps not super motivated for your goals, his tips may help. Read on...

Q. How Can I Stay Motivated & Believe That I Can Achieve My Bodybuilding Goals?

When you first started lifting for bodybuilding, what helped you to stay positive? For whatever reason I'm starting to think that I will not reach my goals. I want to get a competitive bodybuilder's physique because I would like to compete at least once. Just wondered how you and others do it. Is it through positive thinking?

   A. Bodybuilding is one of those activities where you just cannot doubt your capabilities. You will need to burn a clear picture of what you want to achieve in your mind and make sure that you work hard each and every day to get your body to look like that image. Nothing, whether it is outside influences or your own thoughts, should stop or deter you from achieving success

How To Motivate Yourself?

To motivate yourself, think about that bodybuilding goal, which is being in the best shape of your life. Really try to visualize how you will look and feel when you look like that; imagine yourself at the beach, for instance, with the physique you want and how everybody is talking about it.
That image will be your motivation, your fire to get up early, get your workout in, and preparing all your meals well in advance so that you have no issues of getting caught without food in the middle of the day, which can then lead to deviations in the diet.

What If I Am Frustrated Because I Have Not Followed My Plan?

If you've had bad weeks where your workouts were lacking (or non-existent) and your meals were not great, just use them as a learning experience. See what you did wrong:
  • Did you not pack your food?
  • Did you not wake up early enough to train?
  • Did you even set some time aside to train?

Whatever you could have done better, start correcting now. Most importantly, once you figure out what could have been improved, just don't look back anymore; simply look forward and execute! No need to beat yourself up.

This game is more mental than physical as you will find out. So if you have the right mindset and work ethic you will overcome any obstacles and you will accomplish your goals!

Tips For Staying On Target

Listed below you will find four items that will help you stay on course towards your bodybuilding target:

   1.       Be Consistent And Determined

In order to achieve bodybuilding success, consistency and determination will be your biggest allies as these two items will be key for you to be able to adhere to the lifestyle. Bodybuilding, in addition to being a complete lifestyle, it's also both an exercise in patience and in faith. Therefore, you just need to train and diet hard, let the body recover, and allow time to time takes its course.

Following your bodybuilding training and your diet will result in muscle mass increases in conjunction with less body fat, something that will get you closer to the look that you want day after day. It takes time, but Rome was not built in one day.

2.       Program Your Mind For Bodybuilding Success - Visualize The End Result

I also advice you to just lay down at night and really think of the way that you want your body to look. Then make sure that you just wake up every morning with the mindset that everything you will do that day will contribute in one way or the other to achieving that look. This will give you the motivation to adhere to your training and diet each and every day.

3.       Use Goal Setting And Progress Tracking To Stay Motivated

Writing down your goals and tracking your progress are awesome ways to stay motivated. Every time you reach a short term goal it will only fuel the fire even more to keep working hard and achieve that long term goal that you so desire.

4.       Use The Power Of Positive Pressure

Sample Image  Positive Pressure can be a great ally in your quest to making awesome bodybuilding gains. Positive pressure can be created by giving yourself a clear deadline by when to achieve your bodybuilding goals. For example, setting yourself a goal to lose 10kgs of fat while maintaining, or even increasing, your muscle mass in the next twelve weeks is a great way to create positive pressure. By doing this, you create a limited timeline by which to achieve your goals.
This increases your chances of achieving them since, provided that you wholeheartedly commit yourself to the set date, then every workout and every day that you stick to your diet counts; you can no longer procrastinate.

I never said it was easy to choose this lifestyle, but that is really what it takes; complete and absolute dedication to it. No different than the way a priest is dedicated to his religion.

Hugo Rivera,


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