Shape class once again was huge with 9 in the lineup. The shape varied between the athletes and it must've been hard to decide for judges to decide between the different degrees of muscularity, structure and routines. However,it was Jess Coate once again taking the title to continue her reign on this class, a close second went to Pechuda Copeland and Tara Campbell third. In the fitness class, Bronte Coluccio also continued her form by nailing her high flying routine, Ashleigh McCaw looks like she's done a great job leaning down her figure however it was Stella Jenkins just edge her to second place.
Also on a roll is Pat Petelo who once again busted out his posing skills and presented a well conditioned physique to take out the Novice Physique Short title. The teenage men was quite impressive for their youth and muscularity. Daniel Roodt and Nathaniel Ogilvey, 1st and 2nd in the teen showed great condition for their age and we look forward to seeing them in future years. Also want to mention the great effort by 15 year old Ethan Coulter also in the teen class who's made a huge difference to his physique dropping many kgs over the years. Another young gun Richard Aholelei also showed great condition to take out the Junior title. Mark Cook improved his condition, particular in his leg definition, to take the Novice Athletic class. Matt Hura and Jason Bartley also continued their winning streak taking out the Masters and Open Athletic classes. Jason not only had to battle his competitor but also his bad bicep on stage. He's torn bicep but still managed to take the stage so well done on your super man efforts Bart!
 Tarren McCall and Mateo Vaihu looked awesome in their guest posing routines. All that posing made Mateo a little tired.
We probably saw the best Women's physique line up for a long time at this show. Barbara Moyes, Carol Doyle and Gill McCann showed superb condition and it was nice to see some hard battles between the senior classes. Ofcourse there was the awesome Open Physique line up which saw Sesa Tomuli flexing her muscles after 2 years absence from the stage.
She had initially wanted to do figure but did not make weight for her class, nevertheless she fitted nicely into the open and was up against Julie Kingi, Rachel Jarvis and Anj Winterbourne in the Open. Sesa with her great symmetry and muscle mass took out this class while Helen Aloai took the International. It was an awesome sight to see Sesa and Helen on stage together as its been a long time since we've seen such big muscles posedown.
The Open Figure was also a spectacle to watch. Jayne Dowling, Donelle Petelo and Kiriana Clark had a tough tussel in the Open Tall while Janine Haywood and Sue Bettridge did battle against each other the 3rd time this year. Both Jayne and Donelle improved their figures presenting a much more muscular and leaner physique than last year, it would've been a very close call but Jayne nudge Donelle to take the class.
In 2 previous shows this year Sue had beaten Janine but this time Janine took one back and took out the class with her fuller and leaner figure. No doubt we'll see these 2 again this year and both will be firing to come out with their best condition yet. In the Overall, it came down to Jayne and Janine. In the end it was probably Janine's cut legs and maintaining her muscularity from the prejudging that got her the Waikato overall title.
 Overall Figure comparison
Rota Elliot in the Open Short was in his best condition yet this year. Sifa Mafi was also looking sharp in the Open Tall to take the title. Was great to see Rota, Sifa and Pat pose down for the Overall title as they were all in great condition but once again it was Sifa with that extra height and muscle that took out the title.
Overall it was a great show! Vanessa and Jason have been confirmed as organisers for the show next year so no doubt we can look forward to another great event with lots of goodies for everyone!
Lisa, Go Figure 4 July 2012