Tyrone and Lisa

oooh la la, who was the lucky girl getting to drop in on Spartacus Trainer Tyrone Bell's TOP SECRET Legion Training Video Shoot then.


Legion shoot at
Fitness Plus

Ofcourse we can't really show you much of the shoot in action but let me tell you its going to be an exciting training programme for guys and girls wanting to make their gym time more efficient while maximising their muscle gains and burning body fat.

Plus Legion Training is looking for the most amazing Male and Female Transformation Warrior! Check out how you can get amongst the action at the bottom of the page.


Legion Training has come about as a result of time restrictions Spartacus actors had for their workouts during their tight filming schedule.

Tyrone, who was the Spartacus trainer, had to come up with a concise and intense training plan to get the actors in shape quick smart. And so Legion training was born.  Its not  an 18, 20 or 21 min workout but an effective 19min workout to be exact.


From my perspective the shoot was super interesting on the technical level and I was fascinated by the different cameras, lights and the number of repetitions and angles Ty had to do for just one bodypart.  

I think he must've done at least 200 reps on chest alone and that was just on 2 exercises that I was there to witness. No wonder he's looking pretty lean with all the extra reps he's had to do. He tells me on the night I was there, their shoot ended at 3am - that's a 9 hour workout he had that day!  I would never make it in the film industry as I'm no night owl.

In between his shots, Ty explained more about Legion Training and we also asked him if he'll compete in NZ again...even if he does become a big time celebrity when Legion Training is released. 


I'd like to thank the producers of Legion Training for letting me drop by the shoot to have an inside look at how the professionals do their videos!

Lisa, Go Figure
April 2013

Legion Training is looking for the most amazing Male and Female Transformation Warrior!

Click left pic to join The Legion!

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