What was the background to you getting your Pro card? Did you apply to the NZFBB, was it your idea or did someone suggested it to you?
Firstly I didn't get given my Pro Card, I had to apply for it, and it had to be accepted by the president of the IFBB in the US.
I had planned to apply for my Pro card regardless of my placing at Nationals. It's up to the president of the IFBB in the states to grant pro cards. He felt I would make a good Pro and my application was accepted.
(NB. you don't have to have won your class to apply for a Procard)
Some people say that you haven't paid your dues, as you've only competed in 5 shows in NZ and now you're going off to compete in the Pro ranks, how do you feel about that?
People always have their own opinions and judge accordingly, I don't let it bother me, I know what my goals are and I stay focused. If I worried about what everyone thought of me all the time, I wouldn't be where I am now. If I shouldn't have got, my Pro card, I wouldn't have got my pro card. End of story.
Seems in recent times, the buzzword in NZ bodybuilding is to turn Pro, what's the big deal about being Pro and why do you want to be one? And why the rush?
Because everything is a rush for me, I'm not a patient person especially when it comes to achieving my goals. I have always felt like I would do better competiting in the States. Both my sponsors Lonsdale clothing and Body Ripped Sports Nutrition are based in Australia.
I'm fortunate to be promoted in almost every issue of Australian Muscle & Fitness & Oxygen magazines and I have always had, and continue to have great support & encouragement internationally to turn Pro.
It's not just about the competiting for me, it's about the opportunities that follow. The fitness industry in NZ is small (if you can even say we have one) I been a cover model for both our 2 NZ Fitness magazines, and worked for both, and continue to work for NZ Fitness magazine. There is nothing more for me in NZ, so naturally the next step is move onward and upward.

Pretty clear from other NZ IFBB Male and Female Pros who have ventured overseas that its very competitive at that level and a top 15 placing could be tough (with exception of Moe), what do you think you have that will make you a successful Pro.?
Lets just wait until November 7th and then you can answer that yourself.
Are you aiming to come in differently from your Nationals outing for your Pro show the Sacramento in 3 weeks?
Of course!, Nationals was just a show that happened to be 4 weeks out from Sacramento. I didn't come in 100% for Nationals and I didn't plan to. I will be presenting my best package ever for Sacramento!
What advice do you have for others who aspire to Pro status?
Dream, Believe, achieve.
How will you know how far you will go if you don't jump in!
Any message that you want to give to your detractors, particularly those who have criticized the rule change and your pro status?
There's so much energy surrounding my name in NZ at the moment. It just makes me want to succeed that much more, I channel any negative energy into positive energy and use it as motivation.
At The Sacramento Pro the top 5 qualify for the Arnold and the top 3 for The Olympia.
The truth is, even if I did place in the top 5, people in NZ would find something else to criticize me for.
Some people just don't like to see people succeed. I just keep moving forward and don't look back.
Raechelle Chase
23 Oct 09