
Continuing with our bikini issue, we'll be giving you tips on how your bikini should fit in this article.

Following are a few examples (modelled by Ali Gascoine) of how a bikini looks to enhance a body and to not look so good!

Please keep in mind these are on just one body type - none of these examples relate to every body type, which again highlights the importance of making sure your bikini is specifically designed to enhance YOUR features and disguise YOUR flaws Back view examples:


a. good fit
b. good fit
a. this is the best option the front of the pants sitting up high on the hips with the front of the pants creating a v shape, enhancing the v taper, this slims the waist. The top is designed to expose the pecs muscularity and the lat width - it could be a little smaller than this and still look right

b. is the best option for the back as it covers/exposes the right amount of glute and emphasises the v taper. The pants are sitting at a good height in regard to symmetry so that the back length and leg length look in proportion to one another the back could sit a little lower but only if the back length still looks in proportion to the leg length.

alt Bad Fit

Too much fabric
left: a little too much fabric - doesnt compliment the glute muscles sitting too high up the back so will not be good for symmetry ie make back look short in proportion to the legs

right: again too much fabric in the width and sitting a bit too low on the hips thickens the waist and works against the v taper



Too wide
Too wide at the base of the pants sitting too low on the hips - thickens the waist, works against the v taper sitting too low at the back - makes the back look too long in proportion to the legs, can make the legs look stumpy not flattering on the glutes at all (saggy bum look)


a. too low
b. too small

a. the pants are sitting too low on the hips - resulting in the waist looking thicker, the torso longer and the legs shorter - very unflattering! the top is pulled too close together in the middle, hiding some of the chest muscularity

b. again top pulled in too close together in the centre straps on the bottom of the top too loose enabling the top to lift and slide in - exposing too much boob on the side!

Hope this helps out the novices and maybe even some of the others who have continued to deem the fit of a bikini unimportant :-D

Ali GZ bikinis


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