Tracy doing her structural Shape poses.
The poses themselves may vary slightly also, as shape athletes tailor the poses to suit their body shape. for example, the photos display bent arms, but some athletes may straighten their arms during posing instead.
The shape athletes, as in other classes, perform a routine to music one minute in length- but that's where the similarity ends. For the shape athlete, this round is worth 50% of her mark and needs to be delivered with 'flair' to get the judges attention. another difference is the preference to steer away from traditional posing and towards more of dance aspect.
The level of dance or (occaisionally) gymnastics differs from routine to routine depending on the strengths of the athlete, but rhythm and creativity are a must!
Competitiors may even use props as long as they don't obscure the body. And why would you want to after working so hard for it?
 Tracy doing compulsory shape poses
Shape athletes train and diet hard. No bodybuilding category should ever be considered a 'soft option'. Strategic training and ideting is neeeded to help an athlete drop bodyfat and then maintain it at a specific level while not exceeeding the criteria for muscularity. This means keeping an eye one one's progress consistently to 'hit the mark'. A shape athletes diet and training is going to depend largely upon where the athlete began from physically. During my trainaing for shape I have done as much as 2 hours to as little as a half hour of cardio per day, depending on condition.
The shape category offers many exciting options and advantages. For starters, it's a great way for a woman to introduce herself to bodybuilding, without neeeding to gain the muscle bulk required for other classes. Also the slightly higher bodyfat levels of shape help an athlete retain healthy feminie look. The routine lets you express yourself onstage and display your physique in a fun and entertaining mode. The Shape class is also a great platform to the figure class or other classes.
One similarity all classes share is that competing in them is always a fantastic chance to meet other competitors and share in the backstage luaghs!
 So shape ladies, stand tall! (even the short ones!) -We've thrilled onstage with NABBA NZ for over 12 years now and certanly we have earned the right to compete! I hope to see many more fresh faces (like Tracy) giving it a go and burning up the stage like only the shape ladies can! I think you'd all agree-
The shape of things to come looks good NZ!
Sarah Parr May 2012