5) What if any are the detractions or negatives that you’ve experienced?
There aren’t many. With the profile and the success comes the sceptics. The people who might be envious or bitter and are looking for any possible way to bring you down. People who disregard the fact that maybe you just work bloody hard and make the assumption that you are in some way cheating. I have had to put up with my share of rumours that hold no truth.
A fictitious rumour that has been circulating about me for almost two years accuses me of using banned substances, of failing drug tests and of officials tampering with my drug tests, of titles and prizes being taken away from me and of being banned from natural bodybuilding federations due to the above.
All of this is completely false. I am extremely proud of being a 100% drug free athlete. I always have been and always will be and any authority is welcome to test me any day of the week, on season, off season at a competition or in the gym! |
I have never failed any drug test (and would happily take a lie detector test to prove it!) All I am is passionate about natural bodybuilding and am blessed with not only excellent genetics, but a background in classical ballet which I took to a top professional level and this is the basis of my physique and my discipline.
Rumours are aimed to create negativity about an individual. The only way I can overcome this is to keep doing what I believe in and to keep doing it well.
6) How do you find the maintenance/off season phase after being highly competitive? Has it been an adjustment? Hard/strange/easy? How do you divert the energy you would have put into yourself before?
I am currently off season. Initially (after the WFF Universe) I found it a challenge. I was unmotivated as I was used to training hard for a very competitive goal. It took me a few weeks of forcing myself to train and there were days when I was so frustrated I wanted to scream!
I got around it by starting to train using techniques and variables that I wouldn’t often use when training myself for competition. I stopped using split programming and got back to my training roots of getting creative with almost any piece of equipment or anything I could find that could be used as a training tool. I found the change in style refreshing and found my training mojo again. When possible I trained with my husband, Kerry, who is very good with creative training and we had some fun coming up with crazy stuff!
I have diverted the energy back into my family and business and found even more passion for my work. I have loved being able to really enjoy time with Kerry and my children and not constantly be thinking about the next meal or training session or competition.

7) What made you decide to get into judging?
Passion for the industry and the want to give back. Organizers, Officials and Judges are just a few of the people who voluntarily give up their time to make a bodybuilding competition take place.
I have competed in over 20 competitions in the last 6 years. I have had such a positive experience on the whole and gained an incredible amount of knowledge and respect. To be able to give back is very rewarding and I want to see our best federations continuing being able to put on shows for the athletes. As the current Ms Universe, it is also time to step down for a little while and watch others climb the exciting ladder that I have.
8) How did you find your first judging experience?
I thoroughly enjoyed being a NABBA-WFF test judge at the Nationals. I ensured that I was familiar with the criteria for each class and had discussed in detail the judging process with NABBA-WFF Head Judge and President Alex Simays, I also practiced my scoring at home using DVDs. This meant that on the day I was not flustered and could make accurate placings for each class.
My fellow judges and test judges were a lot of fun to be around and I loved every second of the day. The standard of athletes was exceptional ensuring there were some challenging classes to judge. My scores were consistent with the other judges so I’m looking forward to doing more!
9) Bodybuilding is an ever evolving sport, how do you see bodybuilding changing in future? Any categories you’d like to see onstage?
Bodybuilding is no longer a small community. Over the last few years we have seen it becoming more and more mainstream. The eyes of the public are slowly becoming more accepting of our sport. There is still a long way to go but there now is a bit more respect and acceptance of what is involved, the more people who compete, the more understanding there will be.
I think it is important as representatives of our sport to always conduct ourselves well in the public eye, to show commitment and discipline, manners and etiquette in the gym and to help others realize that we choose this as a way of life and we find it positive. It is not for everyone that is for sure and there will always be some negativity attached to bodybuilding if we do not work to represent our sport in a positive light and conduct ourselves positively.

10) Plans for 2014
You will see me around! :)
I will be continuing in my company, Physical Edge, (based at JustWorkout, Forrest Hill, North Shore) training and coaching clients for competition working alongside my husband Kerry Beven and also in conjunction my dear friend, nutritionist, Giselle McArtney (Fuel For Bodz).
I will continue to host posing workshops for women’s classes as well as one on one posing sessions. A huge passion of mine is choreography and I adore designing posing routines for women who are competing (experienced and novice), I will be appearing on the NABBA-WFF judging panel at their competitions. No competitions for myself are set in stone at this stage.