Hunk of the Moment

Lisa and Peter
Happy Birthday Peter!!!

Sorry I didn't get you a present Peter but hopefully this public exposure of what a handsome hunk you were (oops are) on your birthday is my way of saying thank you. 

Thank you for the time and effort you've put into bodybuilding over the many years and your generosity in helping people from all aspects of life and sport.


  You can't keep a good southern man down ....or off the stage for very long. Just as we thought ANB Asia Pacific Novice u70kg champ was going to take time off to grow, he reveals he's competing again. 

In his sights is the NABBA/WFF Christchurch on 29 April and as you can see from the pic, Rede's looking great and will no doubt return with an even leaner and bigger body.  Well, that's what he hopes anyway.  Let's find out more about how he's approaching this contest.  

right: Rede @ 6 weeks out on 19 March '11.


2005            2009


Sick of being picked on because of his small size at school, Ali took action and began to weight train to get big so he could seek respect from his peers.  Although initially it was about gaining size, Ali soon discovered the art of changing his body with food and weights....and a bodybuilder was born.

 23 year old Ali Alkahdi has come a long way from that skinny kid holding the basketball.  Since swapping hoops for the barbell in 2005 Ali's transformed his 49kg body to a National u70kg winning physique in 2009. 

Ali, CNI '09

After taking 2010 off to grow, Ali's back with a vengeance by starting his contest preparation last year a staggering 30 weeks before the show!  Now that's dedication and shows a young man on a mission. 

In this update we catch up with Ali and find out how he manages to afford the food bill on a student budget and what long term goal he has in bodybuilding:  

Study:  I am studying sport at the university of Waikato! Last year then I am off to the real world... Don't know if I should be happy or depressed, hahaha.

Where do you live and train? I train in a small gym called ‘physiques fitness', just a few minutes walk from where I live. It definitely isn't Gold's gym but it does the trick..



Daniel 'Gravedigga' Digby
-Modern Warrior-
by Sarah Parr, Napier      

"The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything either as a blessing or a curse"-Carlos Casteneda.

For most of us, this quote would hold little meaning- but not for modern warrior Dan 'Gravedigga' Digby. This professional MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter hasn't just taken life's challenges- he's searching for more. 

Daniel Paul Digby, 27, Current holder of 3 NZ MMA titles, is rapidly climbing every rung on his ladder to sure success. The former builder/carpenter admits that as a teenager he was headed down the wrong path but credits a stint in the army with teaching him only to fight when needed.

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is a full-contact combat sport encompassing a combination of wrestling, boxing, jiu-jitsu, judo, muay thai, as well as many other striking and grappling disciplines. Fought in a cage in front of screaming crowds, it is flinchingly brutal to watch and is one of many disciplines offered at Fierce Fitness MMA Gym where Daniel trains and also instructs, passing on his wealth of knowledge.


Video! Backstage with Darryn Onekawa

Darryn guest posed at the NZ Pro champs (pics here). But first you can have a sneak peek at him pumping up backstage at the Aussie Pro, his thoughts just before stepping on stage at his debut and glimpse at his routine.

click right pic to see. 

Dream finally met reality when Darryn competed at the Australian Pro on 12 March.


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