How to order. You can place your order online or print out this page, tick the products you want on the page and send cheque with your order to:
PO Box 10-017, Mt Eden, Auckland
or phone Lisa to order: 021 318 660
NB: there will be a $5.00 charge on all orders for p+p

Phil Kabakoff Contest Colour and Body Shimmer. 

 'Basecoat' Contest Colour 251ml, $38 + pp
{simplecaddy P002} 

'Basecoat' Contest Colour 502ml, $63+pp
{simplecaddy P003} 

Body Shimmer Final coat 90g, $49 +pp
{simplecaddy P001}  


Find out how to apply these tanning products here

Contest Colour
Directions: To obtain the best results try the following.

1. Apply over clean dry skin. Exfoliating is recommended.

2. Use a make-up sponge or similar to apply. Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after use.

3. Overlap treated areas to obtain an even tan.
4. Do not use heavy coats on ankles, elbows or knees etc. As these areas WILL become darker.

5. Apply 3-5 thinner coats over 2-3 days.

6. Showering is recommended between each coat, this product will dry in minutes but allow at least 8-10 hours to cure after applying. Do not use soap products when showering, just use water and pat dry with a towel.

7. It is not recommended that you apply just prior to your contest.

8. Use a light application to your face, careful of your eyes.

9. Wear old clothing between coats. This product can transfer to clothing or bedding.


Shimmer, Final Coat Tan
Sizes Available: 90g

Directions: To obtain the best results try the following

1. Allow enough time to apply before competing.

2. Only apply to clean DRY skin.

3. Have someone reliable assist you in the application.

4. Do small areas at a time, and use the side of your hand to spread the Body Shimmer over the skin, use sparingly, it goes a long way.

5. Body Shimmer spreads more easily when at body temperature.

6.Once applied DO NOT lean on or touch anything as Body Shimmer does not dry, and will transfer to other surfaces.

7. Do not touch your posing costume or clothing.

8. May be lightly applied to your face.

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