Day 1- Monday-LEGS + 20min incline treadmill walk 3 sets 15 of leg extensions superset with 3 x 15 shoulder width leg press 3 x 15 One legged lunge ie back leg on bench, other leg forward 3 x 15 narrow stance squats superset with 3 x stiff legged dumbell dead lifts 3 x 20 steps of walking lunges
Day 2- Tuesday- SHOULDERS/TRICEPS + 20min interval bike 3 X 8-10 reps dumbell shoulder press 3 x 8-10 reps lateral raise superset with 3 x 8-10 rear lateral raise 3 x 10 arnold press 3 x 15 rope triceps extensions superset with 3 x 15 db skull crushers 3 x 15 db kick backs or cable kickbacks 3 x 15 triceps push-ups
Day 3-Wednesday-BACK/BICEPS + 20min sprint and walk 3 x 10 wide grip pull down superset with 3 x 10 low cable rows 3 x 12 T bar row 3 x 10 V grip pulldown 3 x 15 superman and/or hyperextension 3 x 15 standing db biceps curls 3 x 15 incline db curl or cable high bicep curls
Cardio: 20 minutes. 2 minute warm up 13 x 45 second sprints at level 10 and up with 45 second rest 5 minute walk
Day 4-Thursday-LEGS/Butt focus + 20min incline treadmill walk 4 x 10 Deadlifts or 4 x 10-15 cable squats 4 x 10 leg curls superset with 4 x 10 weight step ups on bench 4 x 10 single leg split squat superset 4 x 10 sumo squat with weight 4 x 10 weighted hip bridge
Day 5-Friday-CHEST/arms 3 x 12 lying down dumbell pullovers superset 3 x 15 incline db press 3 x 15 push-ups on bosu 3 x 12 cable chest flys superset 3 x 12 Standing tricep extensions 2 x 21's barbell bicep curls 2 x 20 triceps extensions with dumbbell 3 x 15 Preacher curls superset with Tricep pushdowns
Day 6- Saturday. 30min walking up stadium stairs + 20min walk afterwards
Trixie loves stairs day!
Day 7-Sunday REST
Happy training! Lisa, Go Figure