Wow what an awesome time the Go Figure Team had at the NZ Fitness Expo. Thank you so much to Russell Athletic for supplying our pretty pink sparkly singlets, sleeveless hoodies and pants to make us one of the best dressed stands at the expo! 

Thank you to the team of Tarsha Myles, Janine Haywood, Jill Clark, Ali Gascoine, Stacey Hancock, Heidi Kruger, Tarren McCall, Pat and Donelle Petelo for helping me achieve the vision and helping me out on the day!


Saturday Team
Janine, Jill, Stacey, MIA
Tarsh, Ali G
Lisa @ the Go Figure stand




Heidi in crop top  Kellie and Bronte sparkle in our singlets while Lisa Bailey puts muscle into our Ts

Happy Snaps! Day 2
Relaxing day at the beach
Lisa, Nate and Tarsh
The gun show!
Nate and Kristian
Kristy pops in from Optimum
XLR8 pop by Tarsh with the Navy boys  Nice to see Keith!
Maree and Naera stop by Pink and black rule! Bonnie picks up her sparkly T
Darren and Donelle Fitness girls
Alexandra, Kate and Kristina
Hamilton bods
Jake, Jess and Hamish
Fitness model athlete
Tracey Frost turned
Fitness model
Simone, finess model athlete
Moe gives Donelle some posing tips. Nuria looking great ahead of her Pro debut.
Donelle and Raechelle Nice to see Jess Mark and Moe @ Xtreme
Mary Heidi with Jake and Forrest  Tarren and Bronte
Hamish looks great in yellow.  Off home with their goodies.  Heidi, Tarsh and Kris
 Donelle with Fitness Model
athlete Sharnee
Julia and James OMG! its Sam Bellingham
Pat and Nelly Another fitness girl drops in Tarren and Jill
Sexy foxes Donelle and Pat Model winner, Kylie Semmens  Cathy Millen
Bonnie with some toys Leo showing his strength Jamil and Mark are Mutants
MMA Champ Rod Ouch!



Happy Snaps!! Day 1
Go Team!  Lisa, Janine, Jill, Stacey, Mark and Tarsh           Janine and Jill
 Lisa with Big Kiwi Justin           with Moe        
Love the pink heels Sam with her artworks  Darlene was the artwork
 Leanne and Alex Simays  Kim and Brooke NABBA World conquerers
Kagan and Lisa Bailey
Heidi and Kirstine Justin and Kagan Pro snappers Peter and Rosemary
Janine outmuscled by
Matt and Mark
Eleanor sparkling in her
new singlet

Kellie looks good in her
new sparkly singlet
The 2 Lisas Between hunks
Jade and Nate
 Ali, Johanna and Janine  Tarsh and Kristian Fitness models
Stella Chch girls made the trip up     Niki and Ra
Holly the long lost
figure girl
Catherine and Sheldon with Mummy dearest
  Derek and his kids Linda looking lean!!!


Other stands    
Nfusion girls
@ Xtreme Nutrition
Rob, Siobhan and Peter
of Body4u
Cathy and Collette
at Gymstick
Pole dancers opposite us  Kim and Kris @
Dion and Dave
@ NZ Muscle
Belinda @ Eggcel Jake's big guns Jake and Nic
@ Optimum
New NutraTech
Jason and monster
Donna Randell for Optimum
Trudy and Jayne
@ Sci-MX
Nigel is a Mutant!!!  
Kristian and Tiware
@ Athlete X
Crazy Crossfitters Awesome synergy 360

Our Go Figure Team!

Lisa and Tarsh                       Jill Clark

Passionate supporters Tarsha Myles and bodybuilding judge Jill Clark will also be helping us at the stand with their sparkling personalities and showing their passion for the sport of bodybuilding.

Janine Haywood has been a Figure competitor for many years and has won many Regional and National Titles.  She's also a Personal trainer and a Mum of 3.

Stacey Hancock is a qualified Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Paul Chek exercise coach.  She also has expertise in helping people deal with special food issues such as food allergies and intolerances.

Lisa Menzies is a Personal Trainer and creator of Go Figure. She has prepared many athletes to compete in figure competitions and enjoys happy snapping athletes at bodybuilding comps.

Tarren McCall is a Multi Titled National and International Physique Athlete and has prepared many athletes through her 'Champion Nutrition' business to many wins in bodybuilding shows.

Ali Gascoine is a Personal Trainer, International Powerlifing Champ and National (and International) Figure Champ.  She is also a bikini maker and has made many beautiful bikinis for those competing in bodybuiding shows around NZ.  Her bikinis will be on display at the Go Figure stand.

Heidi Kruger is a Personal Trainer and figure competitor who has competed many times in recent years.  She is currently studying law while juggling her duties of being Mum to 6!





Lisa with NZ Fitness Expo
organisers Jenny and Michael


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