Gymstick for Pilates

Gymstick grows @ GetActive!

The Gymstick range of exercise equipment just keeps growing and growing. 
Collette and Craig,
Gymstick Officianados

And what you can do with the original gymstick just keeps expanding too as seen at the GetNZ Active conference in the weekend. The conference brings together leading lectures in the fitness industry and fitness professional who are on the lookout for new ideas to help inspire their own clients.  Gymstick presented a pilates class which added a new dimension for use of gymstick as a weight training instrument. 
  And by all accounts, all those who attended found the gymstick a useful tool to help keep focus on core development. 

left: Stacey and Lisa feeding our brains
Other equipment range in the gymstick brand include gymstick bands for chairs which is ideal for the elderly, and rollers and bands to help further core development.  You can find out more about gymstick by going to their website here 


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