The winner of this Ultimate Bodybuilding Prizepack is Ra Greensil!!!

* Mutant Rage Prizepack from Topmark Nutrition valued at over $150

* $100 voucher from Ali GZ bikinis for bikini or posing trunks

* $100 voucher of contest photos and video from MuscleImaging
from your next show.  NB: has to be a show that MuscleImaging is photographing at.
Ali GZ Bikinis

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Thanks Topmark Nutrition for these awesome prizes we've given away!

Each prizepack is valued at over $150 and contains a sample of goodies such as HydroWhey and Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition, Purple Wraath from Controlled Labs, Eat Smart meal replacement powder, isatori PWR pre workout formula and the New sample bar from Phil Keogan. 

alt Winnner of the Magnum Quattro prizepack was Mark Gascoyne of Dunedin!
alt Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy, Amino Chewables and PVL CLA was won by Ruth Wagnaar

This prizepack combines the pre workout, recovery and fat burning ingredients you need to maximise your workout efforts.  Amino Energy gives you the perfect boost before training while you can treat yourself to Amino Chewables during the day to keep up your protein needs during the day.  While CLA helps to improve muscle mass and enhance fat burning.


Matthew Curtis won this prizepack on 13 Feb!

Universal is a very high Quality protein blend that consists of fast acting proteins such as Whey Protein Isolate, Peptide rich Whey Hydrolysates and Whey Protein Concentrate.

Perfect for anytime use but most importantly immediately after your workout so you recover fast!

Not only does this product give you the results you demand But it also tastes, fantastic.

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