alt Move over Amino Energy, Monster Pump, Super Pump and all the other pre workout formulas out there.  There's a new pre workout in town and its name is Beet It.  Made from beetroot!

Yes I know, stange but true. While checking out the local supplement store, as you do, I saw this Beet It in the Pre workout section and I thought they must've filed it on the wrong shelf.  But it was on the right shelf and Beet It is a marketed as the first organic stamina shot. 

So ofcourse I had to try it.  I don't mind abit of beetroot but wasn't sure what the taste was going to be like as its concentrated into a 25ml bottle.   More importantly was it going to work and was I going to feel the buzz like I do with other pre workouts I've tried.



Made from pure unadultered concentrated beetroot juice (90%) and 10% apple juice and a hint of lemon juice. Its not aweful tasting but if you don't like beetroot then you might gag a little.

Beet It has no warm fuzzy ingredients like arginine, green tea, beta alanine, caffeine, Nitric Oxide to make your muscles (and central nervous system) feel focused warm and tingly prior to the workout.  Instead the researchers believe that "since beet it is naturally high in dietary nitrate, which the research teams believe is converted by interaction with enzymes in saliva to Nitric Oxide in the cardio-vascular system'

They also say that 'BEET IT shots give you that extra edge by boosting oxygen usage efficiency, with a notable impact on performance and stamina. In a breakthrough for sports science, researchers at the University of Exeter published findings showing that beetroot juice enables people to exercise for up to 16% longer. As well as boosting oxygen levels, research has shown that it does wonders for blood pressure too.'

alt Verdict: I had a shot of Beet It about 1hour before training.  While training I did feel a little boost in energy but I think that's just from the natural sugar that was in the concentrate that's keeping me going.  As a food, beetroot does have alot of merit as you can see by the write up below, but for me as a pre workout and giving me that extra edge and stamina it didn't quite hit the mark.  However, if I were to have 5 shots of beet it a day, then I might feel the benefits kicking in.

In the meantime, I'll just stick to the trusted effects of the arginine, caffeine, green tea ingredients that's contained in most of the pre workouts on the market!

For more info on beet it go to


A Few Facts Regarding Nutrition In Beetroot
A look into nutrition in beetroot reveals how this vegetable benefits us in a number of ways in terms of health and nutrition. Often referred to as simply a beet, the beetroot is one vegetable in which both the leaves and the tuberous root can be eaten, and both are packed with nutrition. The beet family is a rather large one, with vegetables such as spinach and Swiss chard being near relatives. A closer relative is the sugar beet, often grown as a source of sugar where sugar cane is not available. Types of beets are also grown for animal fodder. Lovers of spinach, particularly cooked spinach, often find cooked beet leaves to be a nice alternative, just as good tasting and just as nutritious. The root of the beet is usually eaten sliced or cubed and cooked, but is often pickled and later served cold.

Lots Of Carbohydrates, Fiber, and Vitamins - Nutrition in beetroot tables reveal that this vegetable is rich in carbohydrates and fiber. There is even a greater percentage of carbohydrates in canned beetroots, no doubt due to what is included in the canning syrup, so those who are busy counting carbohydrates may seem more comfortable sticking with raw or home cooked beets which contain only about 1/4 of the carbohydrates found in those coming from cans.

Beetroots are super rich in Vitamin B, with a serving providing well over half the recommended daily allowance. The beetroot is also a good source of potassium (8% of the recommended daily allowance) and a source of Vitamin C and Magnesium (both at 4%), copper and zinc (both at 3%). Also on the positive side in terms of the nutrition in beetroot is the short list of what the vegetable does not contain, or contains in minuscule amounts. Beetroots are very low in saturated fats, sodium, and cholesterol.

Benefits From Nutrition In Beetroot - You will come across various claims regarding the health benefits of beetroots. Many of these are true, while others stretch the truth a bit. One such claim is that the beetroot, especially beetroot juice, is an excellent way to bring down blood pressure. This statement is true in the sense that it has been shown that beetroot juice does lower blood pressure. What often goes unsaid is that you have to drink an awful lot of it each day, about a quart, to realize the effects. Beetroots do contain a significant amount of folates which do in fact play a role in reducing blood pressure.

Beetroots are beneficial to the heart, at least to the extent that they are a good source of soluble fiber, a know cholesterol reducer. Carotenoids contained in beetroots are generally believed to help keep bad cholesterol levels down, as are flavonoids, also found in this vegetable. Even though beetroot's Glycemic Index is in the medium range for vegetables, eating an excessive amount of beetroots will not bring on weight gain, as the vegetable's Glycemic Load is a low number, meaning that the conversion of the carbohydrates into sugar is a slow process, and blood sugar levels are relatively unaffected.


Beets, raw
Refuse: 33% (Parings and part tops)
Scientific Name: Beta vulgaris
NDB No: 11080 (Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion)

Nutrient     Units     1.00 X 1 cup
Water     g     119.11        
Energy     kcal     58        
Energy     kJ     245        
Protein     g     2.19        
Total lipid (fat)     g     0.23        
Ash     g     1.47        
Carbohydrate, by difference     g     13.00        
Fiber, total dietary     g     3.8        
Sugars, total     g     9.19    

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