OK so a while ago I said I wasn't going to take on any new clients but since Carolyn Vittle was in a bind about 8 weeks out from the NABBA Noth Harbour. And since she asked me so nicely if I could help out with her diet.  I thought ok why not, it'll be fun finding out about a new body to work with.   
Team Carolyn!
  Me and my awesome girls
Carolyn and Janine
Carolyn already had a mean muscly body and perhaps like most driven people just did a little too much.  The key thing was to actually not diet too hard and decrease too many calories, instead exchanging a few carbohydrate sources and getting her to eat at key times during the day.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she still found the cleaner eating hard but as you see the diet speaks for itself on her hot bod. 

But it wasn't just me in 'Team Carolyn'.  Eleanor Stewart was the real task master hammering her body into shape in the gym.  So it was a great team effort. 

Well done Carolyn, you've earned your bacon and relish sandwich!!!

Also super proud of Janine Haywood for maintaining her lean and full figure since the NABBA Waikato.  What was only going to be 3 shows this year has turned out to be 7!!!  But that is typical Janine. 

Her passion for this sport is amazing and her dedication shows through with her disciplined figure which never seems to go out of condition show to show.  We're still a great team Janine.  Thanks for sticking with me.

Lisa, Go Figure
17 October 11


Couple hours before stage    
All tanned up    
Carolyn, 1st Novice Figure Tall

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