Meet another one of my Super troopers, Kirstine Nelson. Initially I started advising Kirstine on her nutrition leading up to her first comp, the NABBA Nth Harbour 07, but this year she's been brave enough to be trained by me every fortnight since beginning of the year.  So far she's still 'enjoying' our sessions. This year we've been working on mass building as last year she was training too lightly, so Kiristine's had a few aching muscles after our sessions...and she loves it... I love sadists!
Kirstine and Lisa
We've had to find ways to overcome some of her physical issues.  One of them being since she was in a car accident in her teens, one side of her body is slightly weaker than the other and she can't quite get that oomph she needs on one side to get weights up, especially when doing shoulders or chest as her wrist is a wee bit weak.  So she can't go that heavy by herself.

Nonetheless, Kirstine is a fighter and we've come up with ways to try and overcome that problem.  I've got her to wear a tight wrist strap on the weak wrist and have incorporate some chest and shoulder machines where she doesn't have to have too much control and can just concentrate on pushing a reasonable weight.

Kirstine is quite tall, well taller than me!, so its been challenging trying to put some size on.  But slowly we've added some mass and have managed to get her legs leaner too after many plyometric sessions and stair work.  We're aiming for the Nzfbb comp in June and with not too much time to go now Kirstine's working warp speed to get there.  We're looking at the bigger picture and Kiristine is using a contest goal as a focus she can use to keep fit and trim but we all know the real journey is maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle which is what I try to hammer into all my peeps.

And now a word or two from Kirstine: Read More

" I made a decision to compete in my first competition (NABBA North Harbours 3 Nov 07) in July 07 and had absolutely no idea what I was doing! At the time I had a hands on trainer but was not getting any advice on nutrition, so I found Lisa online in September 07 and all of a sudden I had a fantastic new eating plan and really started seeing results. I only wish I had found her earlier, and trained with her leading up to the comp!

So after competing in November I was hooked on the sport, and on Lisa's straight-up, personalised style of training and follow up, so I have decided to compete again. And this time around Lisa's not only my nutrition advisor. She's also training me, motivating me, advising me, challenging me and listening to me complain about being pushed outside my comfort zone and making me do it anyway!  
Mostly though, Lisa is helping me get results. When I compete this time around, I'll be a different person, not only physically, but mentally as well, and that's thanks to Lisa and all her hard work with me over the last 6 months.
Our workouts always leave me knowing (and feeling) I've been pushed hard but I don't think I've trained with Lisa yet and not had a laugh, and if you're not having fun, what's the point, right?! "

Kirstine Nelson
18 May 08

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