Former National Senior Physique Champs Sheryl Summers of Napier looked fantastic as she competed (and won) the Women's Senior Physique at the recent NZFBB Nth Island Champs in Masterton. But little did we know of the pain she endured in the months and years leading up to the comp!

07-NImasterton body
Sheryl, middle, winning the
o45 Masters Physique Class at
NZFBB Nth Island Champs



2 October update. Ali Wins at World Champs! Ali G has once again won the Masters u52kg class at the World Masters Powerlifting Champs in Czech Republic 2 Oct.
Ali squatted 120kg, benched 65kg, deadlifted 152.5kg to win Gold.Well done Ali!!

5 August. For a change of scenery I thought I'd hang out at a powerlifting comp and see competitors clothed when they compete! and who should happen to compete at the National Powerlifting Champs in Whangarei when I was there? 'our' very own Wonder Woman Ali Gascoine.

Ali competed at the Nationals on 4/5 August as part of her lead up to conquer the World at the World Masters Powerlifting Champs in Czech Republic later in September. And judging by her amazonian efforts, Ali's on track to give the Europeans a run for their money.
Lisa and Amazing Ali


Delaine at South Island Champs
Here are a couple of pics of Delaine from her contest on hometurf at last. She had a tough battle with awesome coaster Karyn Kelly where Karyn took out the class. No doubt we'll see this battle and more other super figures display their hard work at the Nationals in Christchurch in October. Good luck!!
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Delaine Patterson, Amazon Figure, who we've featured before on Go Figure has returned home from her big OE in the UK. While in England she competed in the SouthEast Champs and other NABBA contests.
She's never competed in NZ so Delaine's looking forward to finally displaying her figure on hometurf at the NABBA South Island Champs on 8 September and hopefully the Nationals.

Delaine's living and working out quietly in Queenstown and as you can see from current pics of Delaine below, while the weather might be cold - she's heating up the gym!
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07-DelaineChest10Aug 07-DelaineTri10Aug

Whenever Gladys Matthews is asked 'how old are you?', she'd give a standard reply "45 + gst". While Gladys might be coy about giving her age, her youthful figure speaks enough volume about the commitment she's put into her fitness and maintaining her body which many 30 year olds would be envious of. While Gladys competes in the Senior Figure class, she'd be competitive in any class as she's got a great structure and muscle mass...but she'd be too modest to agree with that.

Gladys is retired and married with 3 children in their 30s. She said she's always been a competitive person. She's always played some sort of sport like netball, tennis and did aerobic classes but didn't get into weights until 4 years ago.



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