Junk Food Survey; Men vs Women

FITNESS surveyed 1,000 people about their munching habits. Read on to find out what brings men and women closer -- to snacks.

Eighty-nine percent of all adults say they nibble at least once a day nearly a third do it two or three times a day.

Who snacks most?
Men do. Sixty percent of them claim king snack status; a majority of women (54 percent) agree.

The #1 trigger for a snack attack?
Boredom, say slightly more women (63 percent) than men (58 percent). In second and third place for both sexes: tiredness and being mentally fried. 


Heartbreak causes lowered heartrate

Not Being Liked Lowered Heart Rate by 10%

Working up your courage to ask someone to be your Valentine? Science is uncovering the reason why we fear social rejection: Not only does it dash our hopes, it actually puts the brakes on our heart. Specifically, learning that someone doesn't like you triggers a drop in heart rate.


Researchers from the University of Amsterdam wanted to explore the physiological impact of hurt feelings. They asked 27 student volunteers (18 female, 9 male, ages 18 to 25) to submit photos of themselves. The students were told this was for a study on first impressions -- but this was just to simulate the conditions for the real experiment.

Later, the students were hooked up to a heart rate monitor and shown images of other students whom they believed had seen their photos. They were asked to guess whether the other student liked them or not -- and overall they were fairly optimistic (on average, they believed they would be liked 57% of the time). When the volunteers anticipated a positive outcome, but instead were rejected (actually a computer generated response), heart rate dropped by 10%.

A slight drop in heart rate would probably have no health consequence -- but a larger drop might cause lightheadedness, nausea, sweating and even fainting. Someone with underlying heart problems could be prone to a more severe reaction. While we can't always avoid life's emotional slings and arrows, we can keep our heart in tip top shape through diet and exercise. 

Choose bananas for potassium (lower blood pressure), fiber (helps regulate cholesterol) and vitamin C (prevents oxidation of LDL "bad cholesterol"). Eating more fruit and vegetables in general can help with weight maintenance, a key component of cardiovascular health.

Go longer for heart health. While short bursts of exercise help in many ways, Japanese researchers found significant increases in HDL ("good") cholesterol only when exercise lasted for more than 30 minutes. 

You'll go bananas for bananas after you read this!

Sample Image  A professor at CCNY for a physiological psych  class told his class about bananas.  He  said the expression 'going bananas' is from the  effects of bananas on the brain.  Read  on: 

Never,  put your banana in the refrigerator!!!
This  is interesting.

After  reading this, you'll never look at a banana in  the same way again.

Bananas  contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose  and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives  an instant, sustained and substantial boost of  energy.

Research  has proven that just two bananas provide enough  energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No  wonder the banana is the number one fruit with  the world's leading athletes.

But  energy isn't the only way a banana can help us  keep fit.
It  can also help overcome or prevent a substantial  number of illnesses and conditions, making it a  must to add to our daily  diet.

Depression:According  to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst  people suffering from depression, many felt much  better after eating a banana. This is because  bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein  that the body converts into serotonin, known to  make you relax, improve your mood and generally  make you feel happier.

Forget  the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it  contains regulates blood glucose levels, which  can affect your mood.
Anemia  :
High  in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of  hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of  anemia.


Finned food fortifies hearing

 Sample Image Eating Fish Twice Weekly Reduces Age-Related Hearing Loss by 42% 


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