This is a variation to the good old Dumbell Press which can be done on flat bench or incline.
1. Start with your elbows slightly below parallel
2. Push weight up as you would with doing dumbell press
3. Then when you're almost at top position, twist your hands so that little fingers are facing each other. This twist really targets the inner pecs and gives you great pump.
You probably can't do the same weight as your usual dumbell press because of the extra twist, but is good to do this exercise occasionally to give your mind and body on its toes.
This is a great exercise to work your whole body. First put one end of barbell in a corner and load up the other end. Perhaps put a towel down the floor end as you don't want to put a hole in your gym floor.
1. Start in squat position holding the heavy end of barbell at your shoulders
2. Push up with your legs and your shoulders while bringing the other arm up to take the load to the other arm.
3. Squat down, then push back up while bringing the other arm up and so on.
You can go quite heavy with this exercise but not so heavy that you lose form and out of control.
This Squat/Row combo is probably  target to the general fitness people as part of their conditioning programme. Its a good one to do if you have only a short time in the gym as it works your legs and back at the same time. Similar to the deadlift but using less weight.  Here's how its done:
1. At the cable machine, put the pin at waist height and use a short straight bar.  Squat down about a metre away from the machine where your arms are slightly overstretched, holding the bar with your palms up.
2. As you squat up, row the bar towards you.
 Sample Image
Sample Image
This exercise is similar to the seated dumbell extension but its lying down. You can do this on a swiss ball or bench.
In the start position have your elbows parallel to your head and the barbell hanging straight down towards the floor.
Then extend the barbell straight out. The trick is not to move your elbows as if trying to do a pullover otherwise too much of your lats come into play.  If you do this movement right, you'll feel a great burn in your triceps.

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