This exercise is a slightly different take on the lying down skull crusher.  As the position of your hands are different it works the long head of your triceps more effectively.
1. Lie down on the bench with the pulley below your head height so it gives your triceps a good stretch at the bottom of the bottom.  Face your palms over the bar (ie facing down towards you) rather than under and facing away like in most tricep extension exercise.
2. Ideally you should have a training partner bring the bar to you as it could be awkward for you to grab the bar yourself.  Then start in the flexed position with the bar just behind your head, then 'pull' the bar straight up working your triceps.

If you're finding the normal push up ie knees of the ground ladies! easy then its time to push yourself a little bit more with this next step.
1. Start with one hand on the ball and the other arm on the ground and do push up.
2 and 3. At top position, roll the ball over to the other hand
4. Do a push up, then roll back to the starting hand. 
Repeat 10 times.
This is a good exercise that targets your shoulders and legs that also gives a good cardio workout.
1. Start with your legs slightly bent and hold a dumbell at shoulder height. The dumbell should be medium/heavy as this is a power/strength exercise.
2. As you push your dumbell hand upward, you can do a little jump, to lunge the same leg backward. Then bring the leg back to start.  Do this for 10 reps, then the other side.

This is a good power exercise for your back. It should be done with reasonable pace. The weight needs to be heavy enough so that its enough for you to struggle to 'pull' but not too heavy that you lose form or do the movement too slow.  
1. Sideview. Start in a squat position holding dumbell in each hand
2. Frontview. Then row one side up, as you take the weight back down, pull the straight arm up. Continue this for 30 sec!

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