Instead of your usual One arm dumbell row, try this cable version, which when done with some pace and power also gives a good core and cardio workout.
1. Start in a squatting position with your arm holding on to cable at a stretch.
2. Stay in the squat position and row the cable to your side and twist your body fully to work your core.
1. This push ups works your core, upper chest and delts and gives you different angle to work your chest.  Start with your feet on a bench and hands on the ground.
2. Then lower your self to the floor and push up.  Harder than it looks!

This side step up is an alternative you can do to the forward step up.
1. Start with one leg on a box or step. You can hold a weight bag on your shoulder or you can hold a weight at shoulder height for added intensity.
2. Then bring the foot that was on the floor up to box, then take leg down keeping your knees soft so you can spring (but control) your leg back up to the box.
This is one of those fun exercises I like to throw in at the end of a triceps workout as its deceptively hard to do..and it burns. It takes co-ordination of your legs and arms, definitely fun to watch as well.
Start in a tricep dip position with your hands behind you and feet bent at the front, then walk at least 15 steps forward and return.

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