Lentils are a great source of protein and iron, without the high cost and saturated fat content of red meat. They are also a good source of vitamin C.  You'll find lentils in the bulk bins at your supermarket or they are sometimes also available in packets. They come in several differently coloured varieties.  Lentils can be prepared the day of serving since they do not need to be presoaked.

To boil lentils, use three cups of liquid for each cup of lentils. Lentils placed in already boiling water will be easier to digest than those that were brought to a boil with the water. When the water returns to a boil, turn down the heat to simmer and cover. Green lentils usually take 30 minutes, while red ones require 20 minutes.

These cooking times can be slightly adjusted depending upon the final use. If you are going to be serving lentils in a salad or soup and desire a firmer texture, remove them from the stove top when they have achieved this consistency--typically 5-10 minutes earlier than their usual cooking time. If you are making dal or some preparation that requires a mushier consistency, achieving this texture may take an additional 10-15 minutes.

Calories in 1 cup of cooked Lentils: 39.9g carbs, 17.9g protein, .8g fat

Lentil Dahl
2-3 cups of red lentils
1-2 medium onions, finely chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed (or more if you are a garlic fan)
2 tsp turmeric
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp coriander (use fresh if you have it)
3 tsp curry powder
1 tsp salt
1-2 tbsp tomato sauce
Juice of 1 lemon
Vegetables of your choice e.g. carrots, celery, canned chopped tomatoes, potatoes
1. Put lentils in a large pot, and add water. Use two cups of water for every cup of lentils. Bring to the boil.
2. Add vegetables, and more water to cover if needed.
3. Simmer with the lid off for 20-30 minutes, or until almost all of the water has been absorbed.
4. Fry onion, garlic and spices in a pan. Add this to the lentil mix and simmer for a further 10 minutes.
5. Add the tomato sauce, pepper and lemon juice.
6. Serve with chicken or fish


  Here's another alternative to your rice or sweet potatoes, Quinoa.

Quinoa(pronounced KEEN-WA) is an ancient whole grain. You can buy it in packets in the health food shop and sometimes in the bulk section of the supermarket. Its a small, round, yellow grain that has a crunchy texture that cooks in just 12 minutes. A gluten free whole grain, rich in dietary fiber providing 45% daily value (DV). Best amino acid profile of all cereal grains.

Quinoa is considered a pseudocereal or pseudograin in that it is not quite a grain and not quite a cereal so it provides long lasting energy like sweet potatoes or basmati/brown rice. It contains high levels of dietary fiber and B Vitamins and has all 8 essential amino acids. Quinoa is high in zinc, potassium, calcium and Vitamin E and is known to strengthen the kidney and heart!

1/2 cup Quinoa contains: 23.4g carbohydrates, 4.5g protein, 2g fat.  You cook Quinoa just like you would cous cous, in water or chicken stock.  We'll have ideas of how to cook Quinoa in a future update.

  Are you getting bored with having rice or sweet potatoes as your carbohydrate source? why don't you try cous cous to spice up your diet?

A cup of cooked Cous cous has 176 calories, 36.46 grams carbs and 5.95g protein so is a great carb dish that doesn't leave you feeling too full.

You use cous cous just like you would rice, just stir it through with diced chicken, soy sauce, some chilli and veges and you've got a great tasty healthy meal. Here's how you cook it:

Ingredients: 1 cup uncooked cous cous, 1 1/4 cup water, 1/2 tsp salt

1. Gather the ingredients you will need to cook your couscous: a saucepan, bowl, cup measure, couscous, 1 1/4 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and a dish towel.
2. Measure out 1 1/4 cups of water and then add the water and salt to a saucepan.
3. Heat the water until it is boiling.
4. Place the boiling water and couscous together in a bowl.
5. Stir the ingredients together.
6. Cover the bowl with a dish towel and let it sit for 5 minutes.
7. Remove the dish towel and then fluff the couscous with a fork.

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