
This is a great conditioning exercise for your legs, butt and shoulders.  Try to do at least 3 sets of 15 reps each side to feel the burn in all the areas you want to improve.

1. Start by holding the dumbell in upright row position and your legs more than your shoulder width apart.

2. Then take the dumbell to the opposite, while bending your knee and keeping the other leg straight.  Pull the dumbell up in explosive manner but in good form.



This is a great exercise to focus on your anterior delts.
1. Start by holding the cables with your palms down.

2. Raise the cable by trying to lead with your little finger raised towards the ceiling. Bring your hands towards the middle and slightly higher than your shoulders.  You don't need to use alot of weight with this exercise as its more about feeling the anterior delts.

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Haven't got a dip apparatus or dip machine?  No Problem.

We spotted this genius idea at Flex Fitness Gym as demonstrated by our future hunk Hamish.  Just put 2 bars opposite each other on a squat rack at shoulder height and Voila, you got a place to dips.  Great idea boys!

This is a great exercise for the rear delts.
Firstly place the pulley at about shoulder height and use the rope you use for rope extension.
1. Holding on to the rope stand about a bodylength away from the pulley
2. Then pull the rope slowly towards you using your rear delts.

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