Legs, glorious luscious bootiful booty and glutes are what us girls (and a few guys) want.  There's no easy way to get legs except for hardwork.  I find higher reps and supersets are the best way to get the burn in all the right places.
Recently I went out to train with Leanne Simays and Angela Wilkinson out at Transform Health and Fitness Studio in Papakura to indulge in some luscious leg training and here's what happened:


Maraetai Stairs

Valentines Day is coming up and why not have a romantic stoll
around beautiful Maraetai. Imagine how bliss it would be walking hand in hand pants rolled up barefoot in the tide.

Doesn't it just sound heavenly ahhhh.

Now you know what would make that evening absolutely picture perfect HAMMERING UP SOME STAIRS!!! Thats right if you take these lil beauties every second step you're in a gorgeous sizzalicious lushish lunge position and you can do this right to the top changing legs as you go.

I think those who step together stair together! These Maraetai stairs are actually on the Tracey Walk which if you go to the boat club and walk in and up to the ramp the track is to the left you'll see the sign Tracey walk;-)

Happy stairing


  Beach workout with 2012 Shape Champion Susan Baxter!

The last thing we need during the silly season is people thinking that we are even MORE crazy for exercising inside during the holidays (nevermind that we want to keep up our fitness to our body and our temple). To be used as a more healthy alternative to filling your belly with a six pack of beer- sculpt your six pack instead! 
Many kiwis flock down to the beach during the summer to soak up the rays and relax with a cooler full of beverages: sometime alcoholic. I’m certainly not against relaxation, but spending too many days like this: inactive, dehydrated, and downing heaps of empty calories is a sure fire way to have your work cut out for you when in-season training kicks off again!


alt  Do you need a change from your normal cardio routine? if the monotony of the bike and treadmill are becoming a bore then why not give skipping a go.  Or at least incorporate it as part of your treadmill and or bike routine. 

We all know how to skip, afterall I'm sure you did it at school and remembered how fun it was.  That and hoola hooping - which I was never good at!

Skipping is a great cardio exercise for cardio fitness, all you need is a rope and a small space and away you go!  Keep on reading to find out more benefits of skipping.


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